The Asia-Pacific power balance: Beyond the U.S.-China narrative

iconOEF REVIEW: This Chatham House paper considers the Asia-Pacific region’s current power distribution with regard to the four principal powers, the United States, China, India and Japan, as well as reviewing the main factors for influence in the region, that is military power, diplomacy, economic strength, development assistance, and control over natural resources. The paper then looks toward 2030 explaining what could be the possible distribution of power for that time and what such a situation could mean for regional relations.

U.S. journalist Charlie Rose interviews Russian president Putin just before UN 70th Session

iconOEF REVIEW: President Putin talks with Charlie Rose about: the Islamic State and Syria; his relations with President Obama; how Russia and the U.S. cooperate for a better world; about his popularity in Russia; his views on the U.S.; Ukraine and the Minsk agreements; the disintegration of the USSR; the Baltic States; and what he sees as his legacy.